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National Identification Number Verification

Here's how you can verify a NIN using the Talent API

Service Endpoint:
For the baseUrl refer Here

Sample Request Body Object:

const sampleRequest = {
  id: "11111111111",

Sample Response Body Object:

const sampleFoundResponse = {
  success: true,
  statusCode: 200,
  message: "success",
  data: {
    id: "6491edda239381d3be87a5fb",
    address: {
      town: "SULEJA",
      lga: "Suleja",
      state: "Niger",
      addressLine: "13B Fake Street, Ilupeju Niger State",
    parentId: null,
    status: "found",
    reason: null,
    dataValidation: false,
    selfieValidation: false,
    firstName: "Sarah",
    middleName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doe",
    mobile: "08000000000",
    email: null,
    birthState: "Edo",
    nokState: "Niger",
    religion: "christianity",
    birthLGA: "Esan West",
    birthCountry: "nigeria",
    dateOfBirth: "1988-04-04",
    isConsent: true,
    idNumber: "11111111111",
    businessId: "62c2a4868d319373a6280152",
    type: "nin",
    allValidationPassed: true,
    gender: "f",
    requestedAt: "2023-06-20T18:20:11.552Z",
    requestedById: "62c2a4868d3193700828014e",
    country: "NG",
    createdAt: "2023-06-20T18:20:11.657Z",
    lastModifiedAt: "2023-06-20T18:20:11.657Z",
    metadata: {},
    requestedBy: {
      firstName: "API",
      lastName: "User",
      middleName: "",
      id: "62c2a4868d3193700828014e",
  links: [],

NOTE: For a full request function sample refer to Sample Request Function

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